Frequently Asked Questions


  • It is a business card that just doesn't stop at sharing your information, it does that and a lot more. A smart card that lets you share your contact, business information and even brochure/catalogues. Proxyms helps you save contacts with a tap. So now you just don't share a business card but you make a lasting impression.

  • Just log on to www.proxym.in and click on plans, select from a host of features that suits your requirement and you now have a contactless key to a world of amazing possibilities.
  • No you don't. Simplicity is a key feature of having a smart business card. Just follow the link when you tap your card. Fill your information and you are good to go. You can edit, add or remove any information on the go. Its fast, its convenient and does not require any download.
  • Yes. You only pay once for procuring the card. There is no annual subscription or renewal fee. Imagine paying once for infinite digital impressions unlike traditional paper based cards. That’s the power of your NFC


  • Log In with your email address and password and edit/add or remove the details you want, in user friendly interface

  • Yes you can. All you have to do is scan the QR code to get the same desired result

  • All major smart phones, tablets support nfc and for those who don't you can have the QR code scanned. For the list of nfc supported devices click here

  • Security is paramount at Proxym. If your card is lost or stolen we will protect your information. Just give us a call and we will ensure we disconnect your information to protect your privacy. When you get a replacement card you will be able to get your existing information on a new platform.

    For lost or stolen card order a replacement and for damaged card kindly contact us to get a replacement.

  • Contact customer care or email us at proxymorders@gmail.com

  • Your username is your registered email address and you can reset the password using our easy to navigate web platform


  • Yes you can. Share your creative with our design team and once approved your newly printed card will be on its way.

  • Yes you can, when you purchase the proxym executive cards you will be able to share your logo with us and we will ensure your card comes out with a shimmering new business logo.

  • Proxym has got you covered. We offer a plan for your entire company to be on this smart digital platform, with their own unique smart cards.We have some great offers for your organisation. Click the following link to know more.